personal lge

A personal shopping trip can be booked as a follow on to a colour analysis or a wardrobe evaluation to find those key essential pieces. Or you may just want help searching for a particular outfit for a special occasion.

During our time together you will receive the many benefits of having a professional stylist with you. These include, styling tips, educating the eye, learning colours that enhance, putting the whole look together plus many more useful hints and tips. I will also encourage you to try new colours and styles to broaden your clothing horizons and get you out of a style rut.

You will find shopping in the future much easier and worthwhile as you will be more aware of what you should be looking for, this will save you time and money. No more dreaded impulse buying!

With my professional help and guidance I can make your shopping experience educational, efficient, productive and fun!

A personal shopping trip can last anything between 2 - 4 hours per individual and is tailor made especially for you.

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